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/Stay safe using your hot water bottle this winter!
Stay safe using your hot water bottle this winter!
August 17, 2023

Stay safe using your hot water bottle this winter!

Stay safe using your hot water bottle this winter!

It is that time of year again where the cold weather has set in the the trusty hot water bottle comes out! Here at The Hot Water Bottle Shop we love hot water bottles (obviously) but it is important to remember that however cute and cuddly they can pose a risk of serious injury if they are not used with care.

Delia Rickard, Deputy Chair of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has written a great piece on safely using your personal heating products:

"Hot water bottles look harmless enough but they can cause serious burns or scalding if they are faulty, unsafe or used incorrectly.

Burns can occur while filling the bottle, when the bottle bursts or leaks, or when a bottle filled with hot water directly contacts the skin.

Rubber products perish so you need to replace your bottle regularly – each winter or every second year, depending on how much you use it and how well you store it.

Tips on safe use of hot water bottles

  • Inspect your hot water bottle carefully. Throw it out if there are any signs of leaks or if it looks cracked, damaged or brittle. A simple way to check for leaks is to put cold water in the bottle first.
  • Avoid injuries by waiting until hot water has cooled down a bit before filling the bottle and be careful not to overfill it.
  • Laying, resting, sitting or putting pressure on a hot water bottle may cause it to burst. For this reason, take the bottle out of bed before you climb in.
  • When relieving aches and pains use a cover or wrap the bottle in a towel to prevent direct contact with the skin. Do not leave the bottle on one part of the body for too long as burns can occur gradually. [At The Hot Water Bottle Shop we would advise that a cover is always used on a hot water bottle].

[Remember to always follow the British Standard 1970:2012 instructions for filling, using and storing your hot water bottle for a quick guide on how to fill, use and care for your hot water bottle checkout our blog: How to fill, use, and care for your hot water bottle

Using wheat bags or heat packs safely

Microwavable wheat bags or heat packs are another great way to keep warm, but they also come with their own safety in use guide.

Wheat bags can be a fire hazard if used incorrectly. They have been linked to fires when placed under bedding and can catch fire in the microwave if heated for too long.

  • Do not use wheat bags in confined spaces that can trap heat, such as under blankets or on bedding.
  • Minimise risks by buying wheat bags that come with clear heating instructions. Be cautious of wheat bags bought at markets and craft stalls; if they do not have heating instructions, do not buy them.
  • Always follow the heating instructions and be careful when re-heating the bag.
  • As soon as your wheat bag starts to smell burnt or charred, or if you notice this smell when heating it, let it cool down in the kitchen sink before disposal."



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  • A: 新しい王冠をテストするための独自のキットを購入しました。あなたはあえて彼の喉の綿棒を使わず、代わりに綿棒を使いたいと思っています。この場合、彼が与えるものには保管しやすいメッシュがあり、綿棒は便利ではないため、それは不可能です。 ですから、あなたは装備を整えたほうがいいですし、病院に行って医者にあなたをテストするように頼んだほうがいいでしょう。
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  • Q1: よくある質問 01

  • A: 支払い 条件: T / T 30 % 支払い と 販売 注文; 70 % 出荷前の支払い。
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